from Western Pennsylvania on February 21, 2019
Title: “Sparking Joy, Japanese Metaphysics, and Casino Travels”
Part I. We play and respond to a phone call from a craps “high roller” in Colorado.
Coach Fav responds to caller’s concerns and explains the mystery of why his book on craps play is no longer available. Does Coach Fav acknowledge a second book is being written? Our focus on low roller play is tied to Coach Fav’s concern about gambling getting our of hand and hurting marriages and families. Yet, if one can truly afford to bet big, the limit of your bets is up to you without any negative judgement from us.
Part II: In this segment we Share our story fun times with Janie at Rocky Gap Casino Resort in Flintstone, Maryland. A new expressway out of Somerset, Pennsylvania shortens our trip by 30 minutes. Yea, Man! Just a two hour drive now. Details and outcomes of the games played by Coach Fav at Rocky Gap are presented
Part III:
1. Janie explains who Marie Kondo is and that her message is sweeping the country.
2. Coach Fav defines her Japanese Metaphysics with respect and admiration.
3. Janie and Coach Fav embrace the significance of “sparking joy” in one’s life.
4. A review of how the packing for flights to Las Vegas have been changed by these values.
Contact our voicemail 24/7 — 1-724-519-4556. We welcome your comments, questions, and trip reports. Join our Facebook Group: Casinos USA. Follow us on Twitter: @casinosusa2017. Visit our webpage: Thanks for listening.