Call Casinos USA’s 24/7 voicemail to comment or ask a question: 1-724-519-4556. Part I, a 30-something buys legal marijuana in Las Vegas for the first time. He tells his story to Coach Fav. Part II, What advantages do Come Bets have over Place Bets or are Place Bets more advantageous? Coach Fav explains the issues in our Craps Talk segment. Part III, Oliver, “the Talking Dog,” replays the best phone call the show has ever received, and we have received so many good ones. Here this caller from the other side of the earth. Follow us on Twitter @casinosusa2017; join our FaceBook Group: Casinos USA. Today’s episode is the end of Season 4. We will return the first week of August after a 10-day stay in Las Vegas!